happy women running happy valley nutrition massachusetts team
ice cream and fruit massachusetts happy valley nutrition team


We're the rebels with a cause, here to help you overthrow diet culture and reclaim your relationship with food

nutrition counseling massachusets
nutrition counseling massachusetss

Our philosophy


We believe that too many of us are focused on the number we see on a scale.

So many of us have had our views warped by the healthcare industry, diet culture, the patriarchy, capitalism… and we’ve lost all sense of what our body should be.

Our philosophy is that you should be able to enjoy the body you have — right now — while you are living.

No one has the right to tell you what you can and can’t eat, do or be and no one deserves to be shamed by their friends, families, strangers, doctors, society, or anyone else they encounter.

The 5 Core Values of Happy Valley Nutrition

Uncover Your Passions In Life.

Too much mental energy is spent on dieting and hating our bodies.

We believe in focusing on creating a space to live a fulfilling life that focuses on who you are.

Start owning who you are and make $h!t happen.


Create Your Own Definition Of Success

We don’t like to define the word “health” because first, we don’t owe health to anyone, and second, there is so much to health (and weight) that we cannot control. And let’s be honest, that word “health” has been coopted by diet culture to make us feel badly about ourselves at all times.

In sum: you’re not expected to conform or comply to anyone else’s standards but your own.


Screw What’s Right Or Wrong.

Your challenges and struggles are all a part of the learning process and journey that helps you grow into who you are.

Discover new ways to think about health and wellness and do the work to find confidence and respect for yourself.


You Are Enough. Period.

Remove the pressures of being ‘perfect’ because your life isn’t about living up to others’ expectations of you.

Define the life you want and live it for you.


Be Afraid And Do It Anyway.

Finding freedom from the normalized ideals of your body’s health can be a long and difficult road. Possibilities and opportunities are everywhere, even when you least expect it.

Stay hopeful, trust in your journey, and choose to make a change.




Amanda Mittman Happy Valley Nutrition Massachusetts

Amanda Mittman, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)

Founder of Happy Valley Nutrition

Amanda is not accepting clients at this time

I bet my story probably sounds a lot like your story.

As a young girl, I was taught my body wasn't good enough. From weight loss camp ads in my 6th-grade locker to struggling with post-pregnancy weight, I carried the shame of not looking like societal ideals. This sparked a 20-year journey of trying every method to find the "perfect" figure.

I tried diets, cleanses, fasts, and considered surgery. I exercised excessively and felt guilty for eating treats. Despite praise from others when I lost weight, I never felt good enough. I even became a Registered Dietitian, feeling powerful by telling others what to eat.

Inside, I was self-destructing.

My eating disorder fueled my life, consuming me with a desperate search for unattainable perfection.

After focusing on my well-being, I realized there's no single definition of health or ideal body type.

True health begins with self-acceptance.

I began to find peace by realizing that happiness is honoring, respecting, and being grateful for my body in any form…and that health comes in all shapes and sizes.

Now, I'm committed to helping others live fuller lives without shame and self-abuse, knowing many have suffered similar experiences.

    • Master’s of Science (MS) in Functional Nutrition, University of Bridgeport

    • Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor from the authors of Intuitive Eating

    • Certified in Bri Campos’ Body Grievers Method (TM)

    • Specializes in Body Image, Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size ™ Paradigms and Practices

    • Member of ASDAH (Association for Size Diversity and Healthy), WIND (Weight Inclusive Nutrition & Dietetics) and EDRDPro

I began to find peace by realizing that happiness is honoring, respecting, and being grateful for my body in any form…and that health comes in all shapes and sizes.

Dominique Deslauriers, RDN, LDN (she/her)

Dominique Deslauriers, RDN, LDN (she/her)

Registered Dietitian

I understand your struggles because I have been there.

Even though my family wasn’t health-focused, by middle school, I had tried every diet.

Doctors, dietitians, gym teachers, family, strangers, and peers told me my body wasn’t good enough. I felt shame and was constantly searching for a fix.

I turned to "healthy" eating and exercise, achieving what society considers "success." But my health habits became an obsession, and I still wasn’t happy with my body.

Despite being physically healthy, my mental health was suffering.

Then, I discovered the body neutrality movement and the anti-diet approach to health, both for myself and as a healthcare provider.

Now, I work with clients from the ground up, taking a functional approach to find the root cause of their concerns.

I ensure cultivating a positive relationship with food, body, and health. I also enjoy working with families of young children through their teenage years.

    • Bachelors Degree of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from UMASS Amherst

    • Weight-inclusive, fat-positive, Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating Paradigms

    • Functional Medicine/Nutrition approach 

    • Specializes in Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating with children, adolescents, and teens

    • Member of Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian Professionals (EDRDPro) & Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH)

Dominique is accepting new clients now!

Heidi Karner, RDN, LDN (she/her) massachusetts

Heidi Karner, RDN, LDN (she/her)

Registered Dietitian, Clinical Supervisor,Diabetes Specialist

I am a Registered Dietitian, Diabetes Educator, and amateur chef... or at least I like to think so!

Like so many dietitians, my initial training was not through an anti-diet lens. For a long time, it felt like the profession I had chosen had failed me as I watched my clients continue to struggle with body acceptance, weight cycling, and calorie-restricted dieting. I wanted to find a way to support my clients in nourishing their bodies without sacrificing their mental well-being and enjoyment of food.

It wasn't until I discovered the principles of Intuitive Eating - a compassionate eating framework rooted in self-care - that I felt I could truly support clients in their journey to respect their bodies and make peace with food.

When I'm not seeing clients, you can find me trying out new recipes, hiking with my pup, and caring for my many houseplants!

    • Bachelors Degree of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from University of Connecticut

    • Masters of Science in Health Promotion Sciences from University of Connecticut

    • Masters Certificate in Health Psychology from University of Connecticut

    • Worked as Diabetes Nutrition Educator at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, MA

    • Weight-inclusive, fat-positive, Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating Paradigms

    • Specializes in diabetes and blood sugar management, disordered eating, Intuitive Eating

    • Member of Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian Professionals (EDRDPro) & Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH)

Heidi is accepting new clients now!

Morgan Mazzone, RDN, LDN (she/her) massachusetts

Morgan Mazzone, RDN, LDN (she/her)

Registered Dietitian

I come into this work consistently holding onto one core truth: you deserve better.

Better than an oversimplified ‘eat this, not that’ approach.

Better than being in an ongoing battle with the vessel that carries you through this world.

Better than listening to the voices who offer the same old recommendations that leave you stuck in the same diet culture muck.

I know this because if you asked teenage me to describe why I wanted to become a Dietitian, goodness gracious would my answer have been steeped in diet culture.   And I had to find my own way out of that muck. 

As an athlete trying to figure out how to improve my performance, I was initially pulled towards the problematic healthism offered by this profession.  After spending some time working in the field, I could feel an ethical discomfort arising in my body.  This eventually brought me towards the research supporting weight inclusive care, shifting my philosophy towards a nutrition approach that aligns with my own values.

What could it look like to be at peace with your body rather than fighting against it every step of the way? Well, let’s forge that path ahead together.

    • I identify as a cis-gender, white, able-bodied, straight sized individual.  I acknowledge the privilege this affords me and encourage open conversations about how that may impact our work together. 

    • Bachelors of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from Framingham State University 

    • Therapeutic approach aligned with Health at Every Size, Intuitive Eating, and fat positivity 

    • Eating Disorder Treatment experience at the Partial Hospitalization Level of Care, including experience in Family Based Treatment (FBT)

    • Member of the Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH), Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian Professionals (EDRDPro), & International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians (IFEDD)

    • Key areas I am passionate about: Eating Disorder/ Disordered Eating Recovery, navigating PCOS, fueling for movement, and Intuitive Eating

Morgan is accepting new clients now!

Samantha Myers, RDN, LDN (she/her) massachusetts

Samantha Myers, RDN, LDN (she/her)

Registered Dietitian

I entered this field to help those struggling with eating disorders, inspired by my own experience at 14.

During my nutrition studies, I noticed my dormant eating disorder being triggered by weight loss advice, contradicting my recovery journey.

During my dietetic internship, I discovered Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating and I immersed myself in these concepts, addressing my lingering food and body issues.

My body changed during the COVID-19 pandemic as I know many of us experienced. While I still have body image struggles, I'm grateful for my personal growth.

I've become a dietitian who loves eating, prefers walks to runs, and lives in comfortable clothes.

I'm proudly a HAES-informed, weight-inclusive, fat-positive registered dietitian. I offer a safe space to explore diet culture's harm and help you find freedom.

This work is challenging, but you can do it, and I'll support you throughout.

    • Bachelors of science in nutrition and dietetics from UMass Amherst

    • Weight-inclusive, fat-positive, health at every size and intuitive eating paradigms

    • Specializes in eating disorders/disordered eating and intuitive eating in all ages

    • Experience working with individuals with mental health diagnoses

    • Member of Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian Professionals (EDRDPro) &

      Association for Size Diversity and Health (ASDAH)

Samantha is accepting new clients now!

Nicole Myers RDN, LDN, CDCES (she/her) massachusetts

Nicole Myers RDN, LDN, CDCES (she/her)

Registered Dietitian, Gastrointestinal Specialist

As a kid, I felt pressure to keep my "good" body, especially around friends with food struggles.

College reinforced traditional health beliefs, leading to internal judgment and shame about my changing body.

I kept quiet, thinking admitting struggles meant I wasn't a good dietitian.

Having kids changed everything.

I wanted them to live joyfully, without body criticism or food anxiety.

This clashed with my practice as a dietitian, where weight management strategies felt shallow and unhealthy.

Then I discovered "mindful eating" and Intuitive Eating. As I unlearned old habits and embraced weight-inclusive ways to support health, there was no turning back. This started my own healing journey.

Now, I provide weight-inclusive, HAES-informed nutrition therapy for all bodies and needs.

I'm honored to work with clients, appreciating their courage to examine their food and body relationships.

Whatever health issues you face, I'm confident we can create more enjoyment and less worry around food, one step at a time.

    • Bachelors Degree of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Vermont

    • Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)

    • Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

    • Specializes in diabetes and blood sugar management, digestive health, disordered eating and Intuitive Eating

    • Weight-inclusive, fat-positive, Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating Paradigms

    • Trained in Bri Campos’ Body Grievers Method (TM)

    • Member of WIND (Weight Inclusive Nutrition & Dietetics) and Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian Professionals (EDRDPro)

Nicole is accepting new clients now!

Brooke Robinson, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her) massachusetts

Brooke Robinson, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)

Registered Dietitian

Like many, my body preoccupation began young and worsened in college, leading to years of disordered eating and exercise.

Despite my efforts, my anxiety peaked, my health suffered, and I couldn't escape negative body thoughts.

After college and earning my nutrition degree, I discovered Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating. Initially, it was hard to grasp, given my weight-centric education.

But diving into the research showed me that weight-focused practices were harmful. This new approach offered a path forward for me, both personally and professionally.

Learning intuitive eating and body acceptance was tough, but it made me a more compassionate health professional and human.

I understand the difficulty of moving away from diet rules and leading with self-trust.

This inner work is transformative, and I've centered my career around helping others because we all deserve a life free from diet culture pressures.

I aim to be the dietitian and voice I needed during my disordered eating struggles. I'll listen to your struggles, understand your experiences, hold space for vulnerability, and encourage you to live your fullest life.

I'm happy you're seeking support and would love to work with you, hear your story, and witness your growth.

    • Bachelors Degree of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from UMass Amherst 

    • Masters of Science of Applied Nutrition from University of New England

    • Specializes in disordered eating, Intuitive Eating 

    • Weight-inclusive, fat-positive, Health at Every Size, and Intuitive Eating Paradigms

    • Member of Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian Professionals (EDRD Pro) 

    • Member of Weight Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics (WIND)

Brooke is accepting new clients now!

Bonney Couper-Kiablick MS, RDN, LDN  (They/She)

Registered Dietitian

My interest in nutrition began during high school, as a way to control what my body looked like and attempt to improve my athletic performance as a three season athlete. I was obsessed with the idea that thinner=better, and this obsession was why I decided to study nutrition in college. I moved from my small town to the big city, and I believe this exposure was foundational to the dietitian I am today.

As a Health at Every Size® (HAES®)-aligned dietitian, I believe that health is about fostering self-compassion, honoring your body’s needs, and embracing a mindset of body respect.

I acknowledge the complex history of the body positivity movement, which began in the 1960s as part of the fat acceptance and civil rights movements, and recognize the significance of diversity in body types, skin tones, abilities, and gender identities within this work. As a dietitian, I believe it’s vital to honor this history and incorporate these values into my practice, advocating for social justice and creating a supportive environment for clients to heal from the harm caused by diet culture and anti-fat bias.

I am here to support you in building a healthy, joyful relationship with food and your body, one that celebrates your uniqueness and fosters a sense of belonging in a world that too often marginalizes diverse identities and bodies.

    • Non-binary, femme presenting, white, able-bodied, straight sized. I understand the privilege I hold relating to my identity and how that may come forth in the care I provide.

    • Weight-inclusive, fat-positive, non-diet, with specializes in Body Image, Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size ™ Paradigms and Practices

    • Focuses on equal access and inclusive care for marginalized identities; trauma informed

    • Experience working in non-profit organizations (WIC), and with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities

    • Bachelor’s of Science (BS) in Nutrition and Dietetics, Simmons University ‘20

    • Master’s of Science (MS) in Nutrition and Health Promotion, Simmons University ‘21

    • Member of Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian Professionals (EDRDPro)

Currently accepting clients in person and telehealth

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