Hear from our amazing clients!
“Working with Amanda on Intuitive Eating has really changed the way I view my body and my relationship with food. Before, I was trying one diet after the other in the hopes that I would lose weight—they worked in the short term, but I always gained the weight back…and then some. I called Amanda when I couldn’t take the dieting anymore. We worked together to find foods and a way of eating the worked well for ME, and I learned how to tune into my hunger and fullness. Learning that I could trust my body to tell me what it needs has been huge. I am still working on the Intuitive Eating principles, but I can absolutely say I am so much more at peace without dieting in my life.”
“Working with Amanda is helping me take charge of my health. She gives me the accountability I need to move forward while also helping me uncover some of the patterns that have kept me stuck for so long. Her approach is warm and caring with just a touch of no-nonsense, down to brass tacks attitude. It’s like having a beloved aunt or best friend be your cheerleader and coach all at once. I highly recommend her!”
“I’ve struggled with weight all my life, I’ve had 3 weight loss surgeries, all of which haven’t been successful in the long term. I’m a DIETITIAN even. Amanda has inspired me to let go of all the negative perceptions about my body that have been told to me from a very early age (4). I had believed what everyone said about me and I eventually began to criticize myself. Even when I looked around, all I could see and think about was body size. Amanda’s given me the freedom to let go of all that, embrace myself, and now I’m on the journey to discover what makes me happy, including my body size. I highly recommend talking with Amanda. I’m glad I did. also, I get her emails, which help me to stay focused on my journey.”
“Life-changing “has become such a cliche term, but I have to use it in regards to my work with Amanda. I went in skeptical but desperate and a few months later have begun to radically transform my behaviors and beliefs around food, weight and health. I can not recommend this process highly enough. The emotional freedom is tremendous, and Amanda is so knowledgeable and understanding. It’s hard work, but Amanda makes it a journey of curiosity.”